Чанартай боловсрол Бидний ирээдүй

  • Аудио унших
  • eec.mnMN
UEE reference

UEE reference

7577 9498

State Examination

Education Evaluation Center conducts graduation and state examinations in accordance with the “Procedure for assessment of secondary schools students and training quality” approved by the Order A / 425 of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science on June 29, 2018.

Graduation examination, management

The purpose of the graduation exam is to determine the implementation of the curriculum and the level of knowledge and skills of students, and the results of the examination are used to develop and implement plans to improve the level of implementation of the curriculum.

Education level Grade Number of examination Area
Primary III 1 ·       Integrated content  /III grade curriculum content/
IV 2 ·        1  subject

Integrated content  /other than exam subject/





VI 3 ·       Mongolian language and script, literature / integrated content/

·       Маthematics

·       School choice 1 subject





·       Mongolian language and script, literature / integrated content/

·       Маthematics

·       School choice 1 subject






·       Mongolian language and script, literature / integrated content/

·       Маthematics

·       Student:s choice 1 subject /non exam subjects/

Upper Secondary  




·       Mongolian language and script, literature / integrated content/

·       Маthematics

·       Students choice of  subject 1 /chemistry, biology, physics, geography, social study, history, english, russian/





·       Mongolian language and script, literature / integrated content/

·       Маthematics

·       Students choice of  subject 1 /chemistry, biology, physics, geography, social study, history, english, russian/

State examination, management

State examinations focus on the implementation of curricula in primary, basic and upper secondary education, external evaluation and monitoring of academic achievement, and the results are used as basic information to improve academic achievement. Students graduating from primary, basic and upper secondary education shall take a state exam in the following subjects.

Education level Grade Number of examination Area
Primary V 3 ·       Mongolian language

·       Mathematics

·       Science










·       Mongolian language, script, literature / integrated content/

·       Маthematics

·       Optional Student will choose one of the subjects /Science integrated content or Social science and history integrated content/

·       Foreign language Student will choose  /English or russian/


Upper secondary





·       Mongolian language, script, literature / integrated content/

·       Маthematics

·       Optional examinations student will choose 1 of  /chemistry, biology, physics, geography, social science, history/

·       Foreign language Student will choose  /English or russian/