Чанартай боловсрол Бидний ирээдүй

  • Аудио унших
  • eec.mnMN
UEE reference

UEE reference

7577 9498


Education Evaluation organizes various trainings and workshops to prepare human resources for school and university teachers to participate in examination management, depending on the functions. Education Evaluation Center regularly organizes trainings on research methods and item development methodologies implemented by the international and domestic trainings on learning achievements and identifying influencing factors.

In the field of preschool education trainings are organized on the following areas such as basic concepts of child development progress assessment in the core preschool curriculum, assessment methodology, improvement of teacher observation skills, diagnostics for each child, use of local child assessment software, points for assessment and national averaging, sum of child assessment information for each group and kindergarten. In 2016, trainings on the methods of usage the SUB2015 program which aims to assess children’s development progress in order to facilitate teachers work load as well as to develop their capacity, had been conducted. EEC has developed http://sub.eec.mn/ website in order to provide information to the teachers on installation and utilization of the site.

Trainings on the following areas are organized regularly for the all aimag and soum secondary school teachers, training managers as well as for item developers of the UEE, national assessment for quality assurance, state examination and preschool education surveys. These are: examination management, questionnaire development, requirements for items, development of good quality items, performance analysis, importance of analysis etc.